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Simple Steps to decide Positioning of product/service

All the purchase decisions are made by unconscious mind. The conscious mind provides the rational armaments for justifications of our decisions.  The seed is sown much earlier on account of various communications, name, logo, stories & experience of users and sensual feel of the environment.

It is therefore extremely important to occupy strong credible position in the minds of our target customers for the product and services which we want to provide them.

 In my opinion adopting the strong position in the minds of customers should be a deliberate attempt by meeting functional and emotional needs in a differentiated manner rather than a passive act.

 Right credible positioning of our product in the minds of customers would make them feel that there is no completely satisfactory substitute to the offering what we have made.

  In order to arrive at the right choice in creditable positioning (truth would only be when product and services meet customers needs emotional and functional), we should do market research to get answers to following questions.

A.    What is the current brand image and what is the relative strength to leverage or gaps to fill to our target customers.

B.     What are the rational (has to been done in QFD study) and emotional benefits sought by our customers and what are their key drivers.

C.     How are our competitors positioned.

We also need to arrive at what are the wide space positioning opportunities available after taking into consideration answers to questions as above and conclude on positioning of our product.. Identify gaps wrt to the new positioning and what we need to do in our communications as well as product experience and development.

Mr.Ramesh Chandra Maheshwari

President(Intracity Business) at Bajaj Auto LTD.

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